TOSIBOX® Lock 500

TOSIBOX® Lock 500 is a high-end connectivity device bringing unprecedented possibilities for customers to manage their operations and to build new IoT solutions. The Lock 500 is ideal for demanding industrial environments and opens up new opportunities in security and office networking sectors.


The new Lock 500 is compatible with all existing TOSIBOX® products. Modularity of the products enables easy and fast extension of networks.



  • Massive VPN throughput for data consuming applications, end-to-end encryption from Key to Lock, Lock to Lock or Lock to (Virtual) Central Lock
  • Up to 50 concurrent VPN connections
  • Integrated WiFi as connectivity method or access point for wireless devices on site.
  • Built-in LTE modem (optional), with three modem variants covering the globe – no external modem needed
  • Dual-SIM slots for operator redundancy allows for even more reliable connectivity
  • TosiOnline™ functionality of automatic reconnection of dropped connections
  • 2/2 x Digital I/O for controlling and monitoring of Lock status and sending SMS in I/O events
  • Industrial design: robust and fanless enclosure, integrated DIN rail bracket and industrial screw-on DC power connector
  • Performing at the highest security levels in the industry



Kiválasztott változat

TOSIBOX® Lock 500

TOSIBOX® Lock 500


Kiválasztott változat

Műszaki adatok

Authentication of VPN connection PKI, 3072 bit RCA
Hossz 110 mm
LAN port 3 x 10/100 Mbit/s
Magasság 127 mm
Power Consumption max 10 W
Szélesség 58 mm
Tápfeszültség 12-48 V DC
WAN port 10/100 Mbit/s
VPN encryption Blowfish 128 bit CBC, AES 128/192/256 bit CBC


TOSIBOX® Lock 500 is a high-end connectivity device bringing unprecedented possibilities for customers to manage their operations and to build new IoT solutions. The Lock 500 is ideal for demanding industrial environments and opens up new opportunities in security and office networking sectors.


The new Lock 500 is compatible with all existing TOSIBOX® products. Modularity of the products enables easy and fast extension of networks.



  • Massive VPN throughput for data consuming applications, end-to-end encryption from Key to Lock, Lock to Lock or Lock to (Virtual) Central Lock
  • Up to 50 concurrent VPN connections
  • Integrated WiFi as connectivity method or access point for wireless devices on site.
  • Built-in LTE modem (optional), with three modem variants covering the globe – no external modem needed
  • Dual-SIM slots for operator redundancy allows for even more reliable connectivity
  • TosiOnline™ functionality of automatic reconnection of dropped connections
  • 2/2 x Digital I/O for controlling and monitoring of Lock status and sending SMS in I/O events
  • Industrial design: robust and fanless enclosure, integrated DIN rail bracket and industrial screw-on DC power connector
  • Performing at the highest security levels in the industry



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